This is why 8

My story is brief. 14 years ago I had my first son. At the time I had no feelings about vaccines either way, it was just not something I had ever considered. My son had a difficult pregnancy and birth (pre-eclampsia and emergency section) and I did start to think about health and especially natural health a lot more than I ever had before during this difficult time. When my son was pre-first vaccine age I met some lovely mums through La Leche League who began to talk to me about vaccination. They hadn’t vaccinated and I was horrified. I cited the fact that my Mum hadn’t vaccinated me against whooping cough during the scare in the 70s and I had had the disease and was now an asthmatic, linking the three events. They turned this on its head, telling me that it may be the other vaccines I had been given that gave me asthma (and hay fever and psoriasis and allergies!). This was a world-changing comment for me. I had never even considered this. I was lent Leon Chaitow’s book, I read it avidly. Then the appointment for my son’s first jabs rolled around. I was still uncertain so I took him to the surgery and sat waiting for his name to be called. When it was, something inside, a very strong inner voice, told me to wheel that buggy out of there immediately. I listened, thank goodness, walked away and never looked back. I now have three unvaccinated boys (who I would like to marry unvaccinated girls – we will have to start a non-vaccinated marriage bureau!) who are all very healthy on the whole with none of the chronic illnesses or allergies that I have. I am very grateful to those ladies who gently informed me before the jabs were due. Thanks to them, I have taken responsibility for my own children’s health and well being. That is a very empowering position and I have gained knowledge that I never would have if I had left it to the medical establishment to decide for me.

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